Original Microdosing Pack


Unlock your true potential with the mind-opening qualities of psilocybin. Experience a controlled and regulated improvement in creativity, productivity, and problem-solving. By using the Original Microdosing Pack, the only limitation is your imagination, not the adverse side effects heavy doses of psychedelics can inflict.

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Quantity: 6 x 1gr € 14,99
  • Quantity: 6 x 1gr € 14,99
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Original Microdosing Pack: The Same You, Only Elevated

Imagine feeling energised, more productive, focussed, inspired, and ready to take on the world. Those are just some of the benefits users have experienced when microdosing magic truffles. Forget the idea of having your mind lost in the cosmos, microdosing is about using psychedelics to unlock the synergy between different parts of your brain to become an elevated version of your ordinary self.


Harnessing the powers of the world-renowned Psilocybe mexicana, six doses of one gram come vacuum-sealed to ensure maximum quality. Mexicana has a long-standing history of use among fellow psychonauts, religious shamans, and pioneering creatives as they offer a safe, all-natural and pleasant introduction into the world of psychedelics. Our Original Microdosing Pack allows you to channel a fraction of the spiritual enlightenment and inner tranquility offered by psilocybin so you stay on-track and focussed.

Psilocybin is the key psychoactive component contained within magic truffles. Once introduced to the body, it interacts with parts of the brain to trigger a multitude of effects. Feel your thoughts connect to emotions with ease, and experience improved insight and problem-solving. Psilocybin allows parts of the brain that usually never communicate to once again "talk" and connect. When the possibilities are the limits of your own imagination, anything is possible.


Microdosing requires the user to follow a schedule that involves dosing on specific days, followed by periods of rest. Zamnesia recommends you consume truffles every third day, ideally in the morning. The first day of dosing, effects will be at their peak. During the second day, users will still experience an afterglow effect, before the third day allows their psilocybin tolerance to reset.

Repeat this routine for several weeks, or until you notice a difference in mood, productivity, or social interactions. It is advised that users take a break after 10 weeks of microdosing to limit the potential for adverse side effects, and allow their tolerance to reset fully.

No matter how small, even the most subtle changes in our behaviour can dramatically improve several aspects of daily life. Microdosing is about staying in control and alert, while letting your mind operate unhindered by the tension of a modern lifestyle.


Microdosing has a very low chance of causing adverse side effects. However, if, even after following the recommended dosing guide, you still feel slightly overwhelmed, sit down and relax, taking regular breaths—effects will fade over time.


Once opened, store the Original Microdosing Pack in a refrigerator at 4–8°C and consume within 3 weeks. Unopened, the product can be stored under the same conditions for up to 2 months after being received.

Original Microdosing Pack

Original Microdosing Pack

Original Microdosing Pack data sheet
Variety Magic Truffles Mexicana
Type Magic Truffles

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Reviews (1142)
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    Bon produit
    Le produit correspond à mes attentes, une belle découverte !

    L. H.

    Paz mental
    Muy recomendable para aliviar la ansiedad.

    J. R.

    It's really good.

    A. W.

    Me encanta!
    Me ayuda mucho en mi tratamiento :)

    D. M.

    Llevamos poco tiempo con las microdosis pero tanto a mí pareja como a mí lo que he mos notado es que los eventos exteriores del día a día nos afecta menos. Emocionalmente no nos arrastra tanto como antes.

    J. V.

    Bien pour travailler
    Rien à voir avec un usage récréatif et super pour travailler Merci

    T. T.

    Amazing experience
    The package arrived on time and the actual packaging of the truffles is very good. Microdosing felt amazing and I noticed the effecg quite quickly. I also tried a whole package in a single dose and it was one of the best experiences in my life!! I absolutely recommend them and also the company is very good. Thank you Zamnesia!

    D. D.

    Muy buena experiencia, no esperaba grandes resultados o, al menos, que fueran tan inmediatos pero así fue. Mejoró mi concentración, memoria e incluso mi estado de ánimo! Repetiré seguro!

    E. C.

    En plein moment de rupture, des bons et mauvais moments… et pourtant le micro dosing est en train de transformer ma vision des choses, je sais mieux relativiser, je pense à mon accomplissement et cultive la gratitude à la vie ! Bref, c’est bien et ça se diffuse tranquillement… je recommande !

    C. R.

    Goeie ervaring gehad met dit product! Mooi om als eerste stap in de richting naar meer!

    E. N.
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Questions (2)
Bernd Weber 2023-05-14 22:56:48

Which type of truffle do these packs contain?


Hi Bernd, Thanks for your question! The strain of truffles that is being used is the Mexicana strain.

Emil Grünke 2023-05-09 02:41:23

Are they dry or fresh


Hi Emil, Thank you for reaching out to us. All of our truffles are fresh!

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Video (1)
  • Video: Psychedelic Microdosing Package - A Quick View
    Psychedelic Microdosing Package - A Quick View

    Imagine feeling energised, more productive, focussed, inspired, and ready to take on the world. Those are just some of the benefits users have experienced when microdosing magic truffles.

Original Microdosing Pack
Original Microdosing Pack
Original Microdosing Pack
Original Microdosing Pack
Original Microdosing Pack
Original Microdosing Pack
Original Microdosing Pack
Original Microdosing Pack
Original Microdosing Pack
Original Microdosing Pack
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