Echinopsis ''zamnesiana''
A happy accident or a gift from the god of psychedelics? While no one can say for sure, what we can say is Echinopsis ''zamnesiana'' certainly looks the part. You may notice that some will feature lumps, varied shapes, and all kinds of physical differences.
Zamnesia - Echinopsis ''zamnesiana'': Infused With the Power of the Mighty Zammi
If you believe in anything, believe in the undeniable power of Mother Nature. Why? Because without her blessing, the incredible Echinopsis ''zamnesiana'' cactus wouldn't exist. Nature’s happy accident, or a gift from the psychedelic overload Zammi? We'll let you decide. But what we can say is that this brand-new cactus strain has characteristics of several mescaline varieties.
Echinopsis ''zamnesiana'': Appearance and Traits
At first glance, Echinopsis ''zamnesiana'' looks like many other mescaline cactus varieties, but upon closer inspection, you'll notice several unique characteristics. First is its height. Growing long and tall, you'll want to give this strain plenty of room to stretch.
Second is its hybrid exterior. Small outcrops of spines run the length of Echinopsis ''zamnesiana'', with a shape similar to both Echinopsis pachanoi and Echinopsis lageniformis. The hybridised surface gives Echinopsis ''zamnesiana'' a one-of-a-kind look—one we're sure growers will be keen to cultivate.

Cultivating Echinopsis ''zamnesiana''
Nature's happy accident is straightforward to cultivate, with very little maintenance required. Simply pot the cutting using special cactus soil (soil with 25% washed sand and 35% perlite). Freshly planted cuttings need a few weeks to get their bearings, so place it in a shaded spot and avoid watering for the first 2–3 weeks.
Once ready for watering, a moderate approach is best. Watering twice a month is fine in the winter (fill a drip tray and let the soil absorb the water it needs). In the summer, increase the frequency to 3–5 times per week.
Once your Echinopsis ''zamnesiana'' cactus has settled in, you're ready to harness its mystical abilities and embark on an introspective journey like no other. Just remember to say thanks to Zammi on your travels!
Each cutting is 25-30cm long.
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Sehr Licht!
...bin sehr erfreut, ein Prachtstück,...Powerful!
Bellissima talea
Bellissima talea di grande qualità indescrivibile soddisfazione nel comprarla
Belle bouture
Super Teil
tja was soll ich schreiben...wie immer alles bestens. Tolle Pflanze, super verpackt und schnell geliefert.
Nach der Eingewöhnungszeit kommt er/ sie zu den anderen Kakteen.
Also ich bin, wie immer :), rundum zufrieden
Hartelijk dank
This is a particularly attractive semi-monstrose cactus. The service from Zamnesia can be frustrating and also the payment procedure, but overall the product is excellent, truly top-tier tricho
Service impeccable !
3 ème commande et toujours rien à redire
Très content d'augmenter ma collection de cactées!
Efficacité et discrétion. Merci à l'équipe !
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