Magic Truffles Atlantis


The psilocybe Atlantis was found in Fulton County, Georgia (US) and is closely related to the psilocybe Mexicana, but is much stronger. Taking magic truffles of the psilocybe Atlantis will make your creativity bloom and open your mind for different thinking while your eyes feast on a new reality. Those effects are accompanied with a warm, fuzzy feeling of euphoria. Strength: 4 of 5.

€ 13,59 tax incl.
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Weight: 15 grams € 13,59
  • Weight: 15 grams € 13,59
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Magic Truffles Atlantis - Feast your eyes on a new reality

Magic Truffles Atlantis


The psilocybe Atlantis is much more powerful than the Psilocybe Mexicana and is heavy on visuals. After only a few grams (7,5) of the psilocybe Atlantis truffles you feel something scratching on the regular look and feel of reality. Depending on your mood and a wide range of circumstances, you will feel somehow driven and pushed, full of energy and with increased thinking capabilities. Philosophic outpourings and enlightenment (in various ways) can be encountered at higher doses. While the trip approaches (some report this happens throughout the whole trip), one might feel strange waves rushing though the body - don't be afraid, this is normal and only announces the arrival of the new ambassador in your brain bowl. Some report a strong feeling of being linked to their psychedelic comrades (mental communication, reading of mind) or even mother earth - these experiences are limited to the ones taking high doses of magic truffles though.


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Note: All of our magic truffles are fresh and can be stored in a fridge for a maximum of two months. Once opened, use within two days.

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Reviews (2071)
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    Avec mon ami on a pris 7,5g chacun, aucun effet visuel mais juste un sentiment de plénitude et de grosses barres de rire.

    S. A.

    Aucun effet
    Je n'ai malheureusement eu aucun effet

    F. P.

    Fijne truffel!

    W. H.

    So good
    I love the effect of this variety, so relaxing

    R. D.

    Nous étions 3 femmes de 50kg à peu près et nous nous sommes partagés le sachet de 15g en trois. L’effet est arrivé super rapidement (20min) et nous avons fait un voyage magnifique de 3h à nous balader dans un parc . On ne s’attendait pas du tout à cet effet super puissant et fantastique. Nous avions au paravant tester les truffes mexicana qui nous avait pratiquement rien fait, les atlantis c’était complètement un autre délire complètement fou. Aucun bad trip et effet négatif sur nous, que du bonheur, je recommande fortement.

    J. A.

    Beau Chevreuil
    Dose héroïque prise en thé au coucher du soleil. Un peu dur à digéré... mais ça fait parti de la diète. J ai croisé un Chevreuil pendant le trip... pas facile de discuter avec lui.

    S. S.

    I had the whole pack. quite a lot of strong hallucinations, I have had a lot of mushroom trips and although the truffle trip was visually quite different. Still the visuals were very strong and the different mindset too. I recommend it! 1 pack in my opinion was equivalent to about 3g of mushrooms

    V. R.

    Top quality top zamnesia 5 of 5

    B. P.

    No effect
    Well well well, last time was a great experience with the Valhalla ones, we each took 15gr and got some joyful effects, but this time we took 22,5gr of this type of truffes but nothing happened for all 4 of us. Except one friend was feeling anxious and scared for nothing. This was our last time taking the magic truffles together before setting appart so we really hoped to get a great experience but gained nothing from it unfortunately, no effects. Empty stomach so it wasn’t a good experience. Maybe we were just lucky but we did everything as supposed to do, cut the truffes in small pieces, let them sink into lemon juice for at least 15min, did not eat for 8 hours straight.

    M. S.

    C'était notre première expérience, nous etions 3, 2 hommes (80kg), et une fille (52kg), nous avons tous les trois pris 10g chacun à minuit, 3h après injestion, absolument aucun effet sur nous trois... Le simulateur nous disait de prendre 7g pour les hommes et 4 g pour la femme avec nous... Rien du tout avec 10g chacun absorbé en une fois. A savoir nous ne somme absolument pas adepte des drogues, le plus fort que nous ayons testé dans notre vie c'est le canabis... J'espère que la prochaine fois sera mieux...

    S. R.
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Questions (2)
carlos 2020-08-31 13:36:40

las trufas, están secas o frescas?


Hi Carlos, Thanks for your message. The truffles are sold fresh! If you have any more questions, feel free to ask. Kind regards, Zamnesia

jack daniels 2013-08-19 13:41:13

Comment conserver ces champignons plusieurs jours/mois frigo? congélateur? température ambiante? endroit sec ou humide?


All our Magic Truffles are fresh and vacuum packed in quantities of 15 grams. The truffles can be stored 3-4 months (when vacuum packed) in a cool and dark place (e.g. refrigerator). Do not freeze! Freezing the product will damage the produce. Once opened, the truffles can only be kept for a few more days.

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Magic Truffles Atlantis
Magic Truffles Atlantis
Magic Truffles Atlantis
Magic Truffles Atlantis
Magic Truffles Atlantis
Magic Truffles Atlantis
Magic Truffles Atlantis
Magic Truffles Atlantis
Magic Truffles Atlantis
Magic Truffles Atlantis
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