Jetpackkratom GOLD Liquid Extract


Jetpackkratom's Gold Liquid Extract makes it easier, and more convenient to consume a precise dose of this mystical herb with every use. No guesswork is involved, like there is with dried leaves, because each batch is fully tested to ensure every milliliter contains exactly 80mg of mitragynine. That's comparable to 8g of powdered leaves.

€ 61,62 tax incl.
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Jetpackkratom - Kratom GOLD Liquid Extract: Pure, concentrated, easy to dose

Kratom is a multi-purpose herb that allows different experiences based on how much you consume. Use a little and you'll quickly feel energized, motivated and ready to get to work. Bump up the dosage for full body relaxation and a great night's rest.

Because potency varies greatly in dried or powdered kratom leaves, it's hard to get the dose just right. That's where Jetpackkratom steps in with their Kratom Gold Liquid Extract. It's been purified and concentrated, so you can control its effects on your mind and body by simply measuring the dose with the included pipette or syringe. There's no guesswork involved.


You can take the extract in two ways. Simply place the drops under your tongue and allow to absorb. Wait at least 30 seconds before you swallow. If it happens that you dislike the taste, add your dose to a liquid beverage, like coffee or juice.

The actual dose will depend on your individual reaction to Kratom Gold Liquid Extract. Jetpackkratom recommends that you start off with a 0.5ml dose, then gradually increase it, once you've seen how the product affects you.

If this is your first time using kratom, don't increase the dose right away. It may take a few tries for your brain to recognise the active ingredients and react. Until this happens, you may feel nothing or you may only feel mild effects. It's important to titrate slowly, so that you don't take too much by accident and have an uncomfortable reaction.

Effects are usually noticeable within 5–10 minutes, and can last for up to 8 hours.


The only ingredients are ultra-purified water, polyethylene glycol and mitragynine extract, the active ingredient in kratom. The mitragynine concentration level is 80mg/1ml of liquid.

Jetpackkratom Gold Liquid Extract

Jetpackkratom Gold Liquid Extract

Jetpackkratom GOLD Liquid Extract data sheet
Type Tinctures

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    Keaton silver
    I love this stuff. It’s great, really helps me get me through my day. You can’t beat Zamnesia for most things.

    O. C.

    Jetpack Kratom
    Gutes Produkt. Kann man nur empfehlen.

    B. N.

    Parfait pour moi
    Je suis heureuse de retrouver le kratom. Je prends 6 gouttes 2 fois par jour en sublingual et je n'ai plus besoin de prend des antalgiques. J'ai bientôt 70 ans et le kratom me donne la sérénité. Il apaise mon esprit et il apaise mon corps. Parfois je le prends aussi en infusion (poudre de kratom rouge). Je ne connaissais pas la formule des gouttes en sublingual, je trouve cela pratique. On peut l'emporter partout. Dans mon pays à l'esprit arriéré tout est interdit sauf l'alcool et le tabac. Alors merci zamnesia.

    C. L.

    Game changer
    Was struggling to taper off tramadol last year following surgery. Accidentally heard Kratom helped relieve symptoms of withdrawal and I can say it is true as I was off the pain killers in under 2 weeks. I hate to think what state I would be in right now if I didn't here about this product by pure chance. I continue to use this product at the weekend instead of alcohol as it feels so much nicer and the nights sleep is amazing.

    J. C.

    Auch eklig aber weniger und tut was es soll
    Bin zufrieden nicht zu schwach aber auch nicht zu stark. Zehn Tropfen Verträge ich gut darüber hinaus wird's dann aber unangenehm

    A. L.

    Prodotto buono
    Prodotto buono, molto concentrato, io ne prendo 20 gocce e sento bene l'effetto

    L. Z.

    Bon produit
    mieux que le silver. quelques gouttes suffisent pour mettre en forme pour un début de journée difficile

    E. C.

    Heel tevreden
    Het effect is heel vergelijkbaar met de poedervorm, alleen is het veel aangenamer om in te nemen. 5 druppels zijn voor mij ideaal om te ontspannen 's avonds. Overdag kunnen 1 of 2 druppels een fijne opkikker geven. Heel tevreden met het product ondanks de erg hoge prijs.

    J. L.

    Starke Wirkung! Praktisches Handling!
    Für mich sind 10 Tropfen (0,5ml/40mg) einen Tick zu stark. 5-7 Tropfen sind gut. Für 60 Sekunden unter der Zunge lassen und dann runterschlucken. Die Zunge wird etwas taub und der Geschmack ist schon sehr bitter. Kann man aber denke ich auch in Tee oder Saft einnehmen. Ob dann die Wirkung auch so schnell und gut bei der geringen Menge rüberkommt, muss man dann sehen. Weil es ja dann schon enorm verdünnt ist. Ich hab das Gefühl, das die sublinguale Einnahme viel schneller und intensiver ankommt. Klar ist das Produkt nicht das günstigste aber dennoch ergibig und vor allem sehr praktisch in der Anwendung.

    M. M.

    Gute Wirkung
    Gute Wirkung, etwas zu Teuer.

    P. C.
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  • Video: How To Use: Kratom
    How To Use: Kratom

    Kratom has long been used as a traditional herbal remedy. So we thought it would be a good idea to put together a short, sweet and informative video detailing everything you need to know about this complex herb – including origin, effects and how to use it.

Jetpackkratom GOLD Liquid Extract
Jetpackkratom GOLD Liquid Extract
Jetpackkratom GOLD Liquid Extract
Jetpackkratom GOLD Liquid Extract
Jetpackkratom GOLD Liquid Extract
Jetpackkratom GOLD Liquid Extract
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