The Best Ways To Overcome A Weed Hangover
Although hangovers are associated with the horrific feeling of overindulging in alcohol, smoking far too much weed the night before may also generate a feeling that isn't exactly pleasant.
Is it possible to get a hangover from smoking weed? Well, almost all of us who have smoked or do smoke will recognise a slight heaviness and drowsiness after a particularly heavy night of smoking. The type of sessions where you take one too many bong rips on your friend's sofa, and the next thing you remember is waking up in the exact same spot. Only, when we get up, we find we slowly step to the bathroom to be met with a pair of heavy and slightly red eyes staring back at you in the mirror.
Although they pale in comparison to a hangover induced by alcohol, cannabis hangovers do appear to be a phenomena that can affect some people. This is despite the fact there are cannabis smokers who claim to smoke unlimited amounts of high-grade herb and still wake up the next morning as though the only thing they did last night was eat dinner. Others appear to not be so lucky, and seem to exhibit symptoms that may be classed as somewhat of a hangover.
Although the type of hangover from cannabis is entirely different and far less severe, some smokers may experience fatigue, lethargy, dry eyes and perhaps coughing or congestion. However, there is a difference between this state and actually waking up still high from perhaps only sleeping for a short period of time, or consuming a strong edible that may last past 6 hours.
The aftermath effects of smoking far too much cannabis are often described as having a feeling that the space your brain once occupied is filled with cotton. A strange description indeed, but one that perhaps explains the feeling of spaciness and not quite being entirely grounded.
It is often said that a prevention is better than a cure, meaning that restraint can be taken to avoid over indulgence that may cause a cannabis hangover. Of course, at times people may wish to push the limit and experience a strong high; there is nothing wrong with this if it is their personal choice. However, if circumstances such as work or appointments the next day are present, restraint can be taken to avoid that sluggish feeling in the morning.
Perhaps the simplest approach is monitoring your intake. Previous experimentation and experience will allow awareness to what your limit is. Of course, blunts packed with high THC strains and edibles filled with high-grade cannabis will require far less as far as quantity is concerned. Knowing how much you can handle along with what strain you are ingesting is important if you don’t want to feel too wiped out the next day.
Another factor is the time and which you decide to get high. If you are awake at 2 AM with you friends and suddenly decide to start ripping bongs and chowing on edibles, chances are you are going to feel it much more in the morning as opposed to starting at 8 PM with some light spliffs instead.
Drinking decent amounts of water will help to dilute your blood and also helps to eliminate via urination.
If you ever find yourself waking up after an intense night of blazing and would rather remove or minimise the symptoms of a so-called weed hangover, there are various measures you can take to ensure it is over as soon as possible.
This might seem like an obvious option to some; however, others may think that sparking up another joint might replace the hangover sensation with a pleasant high. Although this might be true for some, it might just enhance the laziness and sleepiness in others; sensations that are far from ideal if you are aiming for a productive and active day.
Placing your head back on that welcoming pillow might be the key to cushioning a weed hangover for some. Though some cannabis is known to almost lull a person to sleep, they would have smoked far too much. Similarly, it can alter the sleeping pattern by reducing REM sleep, to the point where some smokers report a lack of dreaming that may not return until they cease smoking for a time. However, because deep sleep is the most restful type, this may not be a problem.
Choosing to fall back to sleep when experiencing a weed hangover, considering you have the time to do so, will enable more rest and recovery and a period of sobriety. People who struggle to get back to sleep may want to consider supplementing melatonin. Melatonin is a hormone made within the human body in the pineal gland. This hormone plays an important role in the circadian rhythm, or sleep cycle. Melatonin production is inhibited by light, especially blue light, and therefore production ramps up when it is dark and time to go to sleep. If you are using melatonin to fall asleep, be sure to block out all light sources for optimum effects.
There is no doubt that eating a hefty meal is going to bring about some sense of relief and comfort. Perhaps avoid caffeine during this meal as it acts to dehydrate the body. Also, orange juice is said to be a stoner's best friend when it comes to mellowing out a high.
Exercise may be particularly helpful in feeling more energised and boosting your body's metabolic processes, as well as burning up some of the calories accumulated from the munchies feast that went down on the previous night. High intensity interval training or some reasonable aerobic exercise will do a good job of boosting blood flow, encouraging a good sweat and making you feel alive and well.
Being adequately hydrated will help with energy levels in general and may help you feel more awake and engaged. Plus is will serve as a good replacement in the meantime for any sugary and caffeinated drinks that might make you feel even more rough.
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