Herb Seeds

There are 50 products.

Want to cultivate aromatic, flavourful, and colourful plants from the comfort of your home? Here at Zamnesia, we've got you covered with our massive selection of herb seeds. This huge range of herbaceous plants is geared toward growers of all levels of expertise. So if you're a beginner with a small balcony space, you'll find a receptive and accessible seed that's primed to flourish, no matter where you place it.

You definitely don't need acres of land and a wealth of farming knowledge to grow herbs. These seeds are fast to flourish and will be ready to add to your favourite dishes, salads, and smoothies in no time at all! While you can visit your local store and pick up fresh and dried herbs, you're only doing yourself and your food a disservice. Dazzle your palate with homegrown herbs that won't let you down.

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Klip Dagga (Leonotis nepetifolia) Seeds

Native to Africa and Southern India, klip dagga is a colourful plant with a unique appearance. Fortunately, it's also pretty simple to grow. Sow the seeds indoors at the end of April in moist soil, and keep the same conditions until they germinate. Then, move them outside so they can flourish. Provide them with plenty of light and warmth, and harvest leaves and flowers when ready.

£4.96 £3.47 +6 Gift Points
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Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera) Seeds

Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera) is a shrub native to India, and it has been used for many years in the Ayurvedic tradition. Attractive and easy to cultivate, why not try growing it in your very own garden?

£4.13 £2.89 +6 Gift Points
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Wild Lettuce (Lactuca virosa) Seeds

Wild lettuce (Lactuca virosa) thrives in cool and cold conditions and produces edible leaves throughout most of the year, even into winter. Plus, it's full of nutrients. Get growing!

£4.13 £2.89 +6 Gift Points
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Barley - Cat Grass (Hordeum vulgare) Seeds

Barley - Cat Grass (Hordeum vulgare) Seeds are, as the name suggests, purrfect for your cat. It works as a digestive aid for them and may also prevent hairballs! The plant is effortless to grow and care for and can be sown between the months of April and September. Pick a light spot for them to flourish in, but ensure it doesn't get too much direct sunlight. This is one fast plant to grow!

£1.66 £1.16 +4 Gift Points
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Garlic Chives (Allium tuberosum) Seeds

Also referred to as Chinese chives and oriental garlic, garlic chives are a tasty herb with flavours reminiscent of its namesake. It's used in a wide variety of dishes, such as fish, salads, and soups. Before using them, though, you'll need to grow them! An easy affair, you can grow garlic chives both indoors and outdoors. Just give them moist soil and regular light, and watch them thrive.

£1.66 £1.16 +4 Gift Points
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Mallow (Malva sylvestris) Seeds

The mallow, or Malva sylvestris as it's otherwise known, is a plant that's commonly found in the warmer climes of Iran and North Africa. However, now you can grow this colourful companion at home. Sow these seeds in April, and you'll see that come September, you'll have some fully formed flowers at your disposal. Mallow is a particular favourite for use in soups.

£1.66 £1.16 +4 Gift Points
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Valerian (Valeriana officinalis) Seeds

Valerian is a hardy plant that thrives in full sun and half-shade in almost all soils. Plant in an outdoor seedbed around April-May, prick out once in June, before transplanting them in autumn to their final position in your garden. The extracted juices of valerian root can be used for making home concoctions, while its leaves make for great additions to salads.

£1.66 £1.16 +4 Gift Points
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Stevia (Stevia rebaudiana) Seeds

Stevia rebaudiana or sugarleaf is very easy to grow. Germinate seeds indoors and bring them outside in mid-summer. Plant stevia in full sun in well-draining soil with a pH of 6.7-7.2. Feed plants regularly with a natural liquid fertilizer or nitrogen-rich organic fertilizers like compost, worm castings, guano, or something similar to fuel healthy leaf growth. Use stevia as a natural sweetener.

£3.33 £2.33 +6 Gift Points
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Purple Perilla (Perilla frutescens) Seeds

Perilla, shiso, or deulkkae (Perilla frutescens) is an annual plant native to Southeast Asia and India, and is often used as a garnish for fish, rice, and tempura dishes. Perilla likes sunny or part-shade locations and deep, wide, well-draining plots of soil to accommodate its low, outward growth. Harvest mature perilla leaves and use them as an aromatic in your favorite dishes or infusions.

£2.49 £1.74 +4 Gift Points
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White Mustard (Sinapis alba) Seeds

White mustard (Sinapis alba) is versatile. Use the seeds in cooking, sauce making and pickling, and the young leaves in salads and other dishes. The choice is entirely up to you. If you're looking to grow, sow the seeds in March, and they'll be ready in the summer. Generally low maintenance, all it takes is just some moist soil and the standard light and warmth, and you'll be golden.

£1.66 £1.16 +4 Gift Points
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Dandelion (Taraxacum officinale) Seeds

Taraxacum officinale, aka the dandelion, is a herbaceous perennial plant that's perfect for all kinds of growing setups. Allow the beautiful yellow colour to brighten up your life. Sow in spring, and allow plants to flourish over the summer months. Provide well-draining soil and plenty of light and warmth, and you'll be rewarded with a plant boasting numerous culinary and herbal uses.

£1.66 £1.16 +4 Gift Points
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Parsley 'Curly Dark Green' (Petroselinum crispum) Seeds

Unlike most herbs, Petroselinum crispum (parsley) likes fertile soil. Parsley plants can be started indoors in a propagator or on a warm, sunny windowsill. Alternatively, sow directly outdoors after the last frost. Parsley plants like full sun, regular watering, and occasional, balanced fertilisation. Harvest fresh leaves and stems to promote bushier growth, and use in the kitchen as you please.

£1.66 £1.16 +4 Gift Points
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Sorrel (Rumex acetosa) Seeds

Sow sorrel (Rumex acetosa) seeds in light, warm soil in spring (after the last frost). Common garden sorrel likes damp soil, so water regularly while being diligent not to flood the plant's roots. Trim sorrel plants regularly during the growing season to encourage healthy, bushy growth. Sorrel can be eaten fresh in salads or cooked and puréed to make sauces, soups, or Asian curries/stews.

£1.66 £1.16 +4 Gift Points
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Rue (Ruta graveolens) Seeds

Ruta graveolens, or simply rue, is very hardy and can tolerate poor soil fertility and droughts. Plant established rue specimens in full sun and water sparingly, especially in dense soils. Use mulch to insulate rue plants during winter, and cut back plants entirely to their old wood in spring to encourage new growth. While previously used in various cuisines, rue is best grown as an ornamental.

£1.66 £1.16 +4 Gift Points
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Fennel 'Fino' (Foeniculum vulgare) Seeds

With its unique flavour and aroma, fennel has been a prized vegetable since the days of ancient Greece. Sow in the early spring months, and let the plant flourish until late September before harvesting. Plenty of room is required, as fennel can reach heights of around 2m. Once ready to harvest, fennel root and fronds can be put to versatile use in the kitchen.

£1.66 £1.16 +4 Gift Points
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St. John's Wort (Hypericum perforatum) Seeds

Hypericum perforatum, or St. John's wort, is an easy-to-grow perennial with beautiful star-shaped flowers. It grows best in full sun or partial shade, and can tolerate loamy or sandy soils, drought, and even flooding. Plant outdoors from early to mid-summer, and propagate St. John's wort from seed, division, or by taking soft-wood cuttings. Harvested flowers have a long history of holistic use.

£1.66 £1.16 +4 Gift Points
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Salad Burnet (Sanguisorba minor) Seeds

Salad burnet thrives in well-draining soil and is a hardy and robust plant whose leaves will be ready to harvest in late summer. Provide ample light, warmth, and water, and it'll reach heights of around 60cm. A plant favoured by such figures as Francis Bacon and Thomas Jefferson, it has a flavour that's perfect for sauces, dressings, and even summer drinks.

£1.66 £1.16 +4 Gift Points
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Lovage (Levisticum officinale) Seeds

Lovage seeds are best germinated indoors during spring, then brought outside once they have developed 2 sets of leaves and the last frost has passed. Transplant seedlings into fertile, deep, well-draining soil in full sun. Where possible, keep the soil slightly acidic (roughly 6.5 pH) and partly sandy/loamy with plenty of organic matter. Cook lovage leaves/roots or eat them raw in salads.

£1.66 £1.16 +4 Gift Points
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Hyssop (Hyssopus officinalis) Seeds

Hyssop, or Hyssopus officinalis, is part of the mint family and traditionally found in southern Europe and the Middle East. This shrub is quick to grow and needs to be sown in moist soil under full sun in the early summer months of June onward. With harvests as early as August, the flowers and leaves of this plant have a range of culinary and holistic uses worth exploring.

£1.66 £1.16 +4 Gift Points
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Norwegian Angelica (Angelica archangelica) Seeds

Norwegian angelica is a plant that originates from the Scandinavian region of Northern Europe. Producing edible stems that are similar to celery, it has plenty of uses in cooking, and the roots can even be used in gin distillation. Norwegian angelica requires consistently moist soil to flourish. Plant in spring, and it'll be ready to harvest come autumn.

£1.66 £1.16 +4 Gift Points
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Mugwort (Artemisa vulgaris) Seeds

Artemisa vulgaris likes warm, sunny spots with well-draining, dry soil. Mugwort is a hardy, drought-tolerant plant that grows well in slightly shaded areas and in both acidic and slightly alkaline soil. Mugwort seeds are best germinated in a propagator or outdoors in spring after the risk of frost passes. Fresh mugwort can be used to season stocks, broth, and game, and as a herbal tonic.

£1.66 £1.16 +4 Gift Points
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Summer Savory (Satureja hortensis)

Summer savory (Satureja hortensis) belongs to the mint family and is a close relative of thyme and rosemary. It grows well in light, loamy soil with good drainage and plenty of sunlight. Leaves can be harvested as soon as plants reach 12.5–15cm tall, and are best consumed before the plants flower for a sweeter flavour. Summer savory makes a great seasoning for dressings, sauces, stews, and pies.

£1.66 £1.16 +4 Gift Points
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Basil 'Dark Opal' (Ocimum basilicum) Seeds

Like normal basil, Dark Opal basil is best sown indoors. Keep your seedlings on a warm windowsill as they develop their roots and first leaves, then bring them outside in mid/late spring. Like most herbs, basil likes well-draining soil and partial shade/full sun, and is best watered sparingly (in the morning to give the roots time to dry). Use in a variety of cuisines and as a natural insecticide.

£1.66 £1.16 +4 Gift Points
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Anise (Pimpinella anisum) Seeds

Anise is best sown in early–mid spring in a sunny but sheltered spot. Germination can take between 3–4 weeks, but may be sped up by soaking seeds in water for a few days prior to planting. Pimpinella anisum hates cold and wet conditions, and likes well-draining, slightly acidic soil. Anise seeds can be harvested in late summer/early autumn and used in a variety of sweet and savoury dishes.

£1.66 £1.16 +4 Gift Points
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