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Black Oil Plant Seeds (Celastrus paniculatus) 5 grams

 4/5 (7)

    a little disappointed
    I enjoyed chewing these seeds as a nootropic in the morning. but after I planted them in the ground, they did not ascend! apparently they are not suitable for growing, I do not know

    I. K.

    Semé et teinture mere
    J ai semé 1 gr de graine en serre et mis le reste en teinture mère Je reviendrai pour parler du résultat

    S. P.

    pratique pour donné un petit peu denergie et ameliore la memoire

    J. L.

    I dont know what I got from this
    I was chewing every day around 6 seeds, but I dont know for what. Supposedly for its memory enhancing aspects. Could be true. Maybe longer period of consumption is needed which would take several bags. Dunno

    E. G.

    Assez rapidement vous sentirez plusieurs effet benefique, la concentration et la disparition de l'anxiete vous permttrons de pouvoir affronter de bonne journee de travail. Un gout pas formidable mais acceptable car il disparaitra rapidement apres un verre de jus .

    M. V.

    Rigenerate le sinapsi
    Ho assunto circa 12/15 semi al giorno per 12 giorni. Nessun effetto immediato, come tutti i nootropici ma devo ammettere che la settimana successiva all'assunzione mi sentivo molto più lucido sveglio e performante nello studio e a lavoro! Anche adesso (non fumando più erba, e non facendo tardi tutte le notti) sento il mio sistema nervoso molto attivo e performante!

    P. F.
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