Cannabis-Infused Apple Pie: Two Easy Recipes
3 min

Cannabis-Infused Apple Pie: Two Easy Recipes

3 min

Making cannabis edibles at home is an excellent way to enjoy the soothing buzz of your stash. An edible worth everyone’s time is the cannabis infused apple pie, so here is how you make it.

Sweet, tangy, and irresistible, the apple pie is a classic dessert that can be enjoyed hot or cold, with cream, custard or ice cream. What else goes well with an apple pie? Well, cannabis of course! It adds a whole new level of depth to the dining experience, creating a warmth that can permeate throughout the body well after the pie has been eaten, leaving you with a comfortable buzz.

You will be pleased to know that cannabis-infused apple pies are also extremely easy to make, so we have put together two recipes to make it happen. One is for a classic “American” apple pie, while the other is for the more familiar European strudel.

Note: These recipes require cannabutter. Learn here how to make your own with our cannabutter recipe.


The apple pie recipe is a bit more involving than the strudel recipe, as we will make the pie crust from scratch. It is for those who want to do everything homemade!


Pie Crust

  • 2½ Cups of all-purpose flour
  • 8 Tbsp. of cannabutter
  • 8 Tbsp. of regular unsalted butter (optionally, you can substitute regular butter for more cannabutter. This will make it more potent, but an 8/8 split is a good standard)
  • 1 Teaspoon of sugar
  • 1 Teaspoon of salt
  • ¼-½ Cup of ice water

Pie Filling

  • 5 Peeled and cored large cooking apples
  • 1 Cup of sugar
  • 2 Tbsp. of all-purpose flour
  • 1 Tbsp. of cider vinegar
  • 1 Tbsp. of lemon juice
  • ½ Teaspoon of cinnamon
  • ¼ teaspoon of salt


Pie Crust

1. Leave your butter and cannabutter out on the side at room temperature for 10-30 minutes to soften up.

2. In a large mixing bowl, combine the flour salt and sugar.

3. Add in the butter and cannabutter, using your hands to mix everything up. Alternatively, you can pulse the mixture using a food blender.

4. When the dough begins to resemble coarse meal, start adding water. Start with ¼ cup of ice water, mixing it all up. The dough should be crumbly, but stick together when pressed by hand. If you are not quite there, add 1 tablespoon of ice water and mix. Continue to do this until you reach the right consistency. This will ensure that the crust is nice and flaky.

5. Transfer half of the dough onto some plastic wrap and form it into a 2cm thick disk. Wrap the dish in plastic wrap then repeat the process with the remaining dough. You should be left with 2 disks wrapped separately in plastic. Put these in the fridge for at least an hour to firm up (the longer, the better).

Pie Filling

1. Slice up your peeled apples and place them in a bowl of water.

2. Add your lemon juice to the water and leave for 10 minutes.

3. While the apples are soaking, combine the other ingredients in a mixing bowl until you have an even ingredient spread.

4. Take out the apples and put them in the mixing bowl with the dry ingredients. Mix it all to coat the apples.

Making the Pie

1. Roll out and place one of your disks of dough in a pie baking pan to make the pie base.

2. Fill the base with your apple mix.

3. If you have any additional butter, cube some and evenly distribute it over the top of the apples.

4. Take your last disk and roll it out so it can cover the top of your pie. Use the back of a knife press the edge of the dough together.

5. Preheat your oven to 200°C.

6. Wrap tinfoil over the top of the pan to help prevent the pie crust from burning.

7. Bake the pie for roughly 55 minutes, until the top is golden brown.

8. Serve hot, or allow to cool – the choice is yours!


Our strudel recipe uses shop bought filo pastry in order to make things a lot more straightforward. It is our option for those who want to make a luscious cannabis-infused dessert quickly.


Strudel Filling

  • 5 cooking apples, peeled, cored and cut into small chunks
  • 100ml of water
  • 100g of caster sugar
  • 4 Tbsp. of cannabutter
  • 3 Tbsp. of golden raisins
  • 1 Teaspoon of cinnamon
  • 1 Large orange, juiced and zested
  • Big handful of fresh breadcrumbs

Strudel Pastry

  • 1Tbsp. of normal unsalted butter, melted
  • 4 Tbsp. of cannabutter, melted
  • 4 sheets of store-bought filo pastry
  • Icing sugar


Strudel Filling

1. Using a small bowl, soak the raisins in the juice and zest of the orange.

2. Over a medium heat, cook the apples, cannabutter, water and sugar. You want to do this until the apples are soft, but retain their shape. This should take up to 8-10 minutes.

3. Take your apple mix off the heat then add in the raisins, juice, cinnamon and breadcrumbs. Stir it all up. If you are wondering what the bread is for, it will bind everything together, so it is important.

4. Put this aside to cool while you prepare your pastry.

Strudel Pastry

1. Preheat your oven to 180°C.

2. Brush a baking tray with some of your melted normal butter.

3. Place one of your filo pastry sheets on the tray and brush it with cannabutter. Do this for each sheet, placing them on top of each other – brushing each time.

4. Spoon your apple mixture in a line down the centre of the pastry.

5. Roll the pastry using the long side to make a long log. You want the seam to be facing down.

6. Use your remaining cannabutter to brush all over the strudel.

7. Place in the oven and allow to cook for 20 minutes. Check after 10 minutes to ensure your cannabis infused strudel is not browning too quickly. If it is, turn the heat down.

8. Remove from the oven and dust with icing sugar.

9. Serve and enjoy!

It’s as easy as that; creating your own cannabis infused desserts has never been simpler. They are a great treat to share when you have your buddies over for a meal, or for general picking at. The soothing buzz combined with a sweet treat is sure to please. Just remember that cannabis edibles can take 45-90 minutes to take effect, so don’t go overboard. After the joys of your cannabis-infused apple pie, you will never want to leave the kitchen again!

Miguel Antonio Ordoñez
Miguel Antonio Ordoñez
With an AB Mass Media and Communications degree, Miguel Ordoñez is a veteran writer of 13 years and counting and has been covering cannabis-related content since 2017. Continuous, meticulous research along with personal experience has helped him build a deep well of knowledge on the subject.
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