How To Light Your Joint In The Wind?
We've all been there, outside in the wind, flicking your lighter repeatedly without success, until at one point you chuck your joint back into its tube out of pure frustration. Next time, before you decide to give up, try these tips for lighting up outdoors.
We've all been there. You're ready to light up and forget your troubles but it's fierce windy outside. There's nowhere nearby you're allowed to light up inside. The flame stutters until, finally, it burns a little bit, or so you think. You suck in expecting smoke but the burn was all too brief for that. Well dammit, there must be something you can do. Well, we have some tips!
There may be nowhere to shelter completely from the wind but be mindful of your surroundings. Is there anywhere nearby that provides even a little cover from directional wind? After all, you don't need to stop the wind, it just needs to be weaker than your flame. Is there a corner of a building you can huddle against? Is there a tree that can shield you from the direction of the wind? Sometimes strategic positioning and determination can make the difference that matters.
You have at least tried the obvious method of cupping your hand when lighting the flame. Let's face it, the forces of nature will often be stronger than your hand. Having friends around to help you cup is teamwork at its finest, but what if it's just you? Is there anything on your person that's bigger than your hand? The front of your shirt, jacket or coat could provide a larger barrier for instance. A disposable cup is very useful if you can poke a hole in its bottom.
That way, you can slide the joint through and light the end inside the cup with your index finger. Obviously being very careful to not burn the cup or knock burning ash loose, you can slide the joint out and breathe deep.
Matches can be optimised to provide a stronger burn. File up the wooden edges with a pocketknife, key or other sharp object. Carve thin wood shavings from the halfway point of the match towards the end. Do this with a second match and hold them a centimetre apart. Now when you strike the first match, the second match will burn almost immediately, as will the extra wood. This provides an extra few moments and more flame.
Don't worry, this needn't be a big financial investment, although Zamnesia do offer a fine range of high-end lighters. There are cheap alternatives available to conventional lighters that stand up better to unsettled weather. There are lighters with windshields and lighters with wind-proof ignitions. You can also get fancy with butane lighters or plasma lighters.
There's even battery-charged flameless lighters where you press your joint against a hot-spot unaffected by the wind. Shop around and do your research - we have a blog specifically dedicated to lighters.
The old joke about stoners becoming engineers when there's a lighting problem is somewhat true. You do have to be creative in certain situations to get the most from your high. Always think of the ways you can get yourself around tricky situations, don't get frustrated and do pat yourself on the back when you're finally flying.
VIDEO: Novi Plasma Lighter Review
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