Cannabis And Sex: How The Herb Can Increase Female Sexual Pleasure
Regular cannabis users will testify that cannabis makes sex better, with increased sensations and more intense pleasures awaiting. A recent study indicates that cannabis does indeed amplify the likelihood of experiencing a satisfying female orgasm.
The magic combination of sex and cannabis has been discovered many, many years ago. The traditional folks in India have been consuming Bhang as an aphrodisiac since the fourth century BC. Tantric practitioners knew that marijuana and sex could lead to enlightenment through ecstasy. The contemporary cannabis user simply knows from experience that marijuana increases libido and enhances sexual and sensual pleasure.
Unfortunately, that devil prohibition has inhibited studies into marijuana use and sexual function for far too long. However, with the current state of cannabis, Only recently, with the acceleration of cannabis legalization, scientific investigations have begun to discover the relationship between marijuana and sexual pleasure. A study conducted in 2017 already showed that cannabis users have approximately 20% more sex than non-cannabis users, which of course only confirms what we already knew. Now a new study on cannabis and sex has good news for all the girls out there!
According to the study, women who used marijuana prior to sex were 2.13 times more likely to experience a "satisfying orgasm" than non-users. Moreover, regular cannabis users still reported similar results whether they had used marijuana before sex or not.
These studies are yet to be complex mega studies that have a broad enough demographic to represent the general population. Yet, they are still positive early indicators that cannabis amplifies arousal, experience, and orgasm.
The above study, initiated by professor of obstetrics at Saint Louis University in Missouri, Dr. Becky Lynn, collected data from patients at a single academic obstetrics practice. Patients completed an anonymous questionnaire, with results demonstrating a convergence of evidence that marijuana use enhances intimate experiences in the domains of satisfaction, excitement, and orgasm.
Of the 373 women interviewed, 176 were regular cannabis users, and the group was predominantly white heterosexuals. The questionnaire included general questions about overall sexual health, satisfaction or dissatisfaction with the sexual experience, arousal, pleasure, lubrication, and orgasm. Sex was not specifically mentioned in the survey, letting each person define their own meaning of sex. Further questions gauged cannabis use specifically, covering such things as frequency of use and whether cannabis had an effect on any of the suggested domains.
Using industry accepted statistical models, results showed a typical perceived increase in each of the above domains, indicating an overall enhanced sexual experience in the cannabis users. 68.5% of those who used marijuana before sex reported an overall increase in pleasure during the sexual experience. 60.6% indicated an increase in sex drive, while 52.8% reported an increase in more satisfying orgasms.
The majority reported positively in all the domains of sexual function other than lubrication, which remained unchanged. According to this data, in addition to enjoying sex more, women who use cannabis before sex or more frequently in their lives are more than twice as likely to achieve satisfying orgasms than those who do not indulge at all. Recreational use as an aphrodisiac and sensory stimulant aside, studies like this hint at future cannabis applications for a number of sexual dysfunctions.
The actual mechanisms at work are yet to be properly understood as the study of the endocannabinoid system is still in its infancy. Only having been discovered in the early ‘90s, extensive experimentation is just now ramping up as prohibition becomes more and more a memory of times gone by.
The endocannabinoid system is active throughout the body with concentrations in the gut, skin, nervous system, and several areas of the brain known to be involved in sexual function. Areas like the hypothalamus and prefrontal cortex that produce enzymes involved in pleasure—such as serotonin, dopamine, and oxytocin—have endocannabinoid receptors. Dopamine in particular is a key pro-sexual hormone, and marijuana is known to stimulate its production, which could be a factor in excitatory female sexual function.
Until large-scale studies are conducted across broad demographics that include different sexes, gender identities, sexual orientations, ethnic backgrounds, and other crucial variations of the wonderful human animal, limited yet encouraging pilot studies strongly indicate that marijuana use can amplify the sexual experience. This simply reiterates something that many cannabis users have known throughout the centuries; that cannabis not only enhances all aspects of sensuality and enjoyment of the sexual experience, but is an antidote to all the side effects of living at the speed of life. So find yourself a funky strain next time you slip between the sheets, and go for it!
- (n.d.). Regular marijuana use linked to more sex | News Center | Stanford Medicine - https://med.stanford.edu
- (n.d.). Arizona Medical Marijuana Certification Center - AZMMCC - https://arizonamedicalmarijuanaclinic.com
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