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Tangerine Dream Auto (Barney's Farm) feminisiert

 4.5/5 (7)

    Barney s Farm lohnt sich immer

    D. G.

    Great Germination and Customer service
    All 5 Seeds germinated quick and plants are looking good. Seeds from Other strains didn't germinate partly, but within a few hours I got a reply and replacement. Customer Service definitely worth it:)

    L. S.

    Great Strain!
    Fett! bin sehr zufrieden. 3 von 3 sind gekeimt und super lecker. Thanks Zamnesia

    A. W.

    2/2 gekeimt. Eine (mit LST behandelt) steht nach 4 Wochen in Blüte, die andere zeigt noch gar kein Geschlecht. Bin mal gespannt, was aus der 2. noch wird.

    F. M.

    Aucune graines n'a germée.
    aucune graines sur 3 n'a germée. je pense qu'elles sont trop vieilles et mal conservées. trés déçu.

    A. A.

    Top Produkt! Alle 3 Samen sind auf Anhieb gekeimt! Ich bin sehr gespannt auf das Endprodukt!

    F. K.

    this tangerine dream auto is completely ready in 3 months from seed till harvest. had 3 seeds and all 3 germinated in 4 days. grew them in my windowsill with 100% natural sunlight. but only had 20 cm space between the window and the blind slats. so i gave them not to big pots from only 4.5 liter. despite of the little space and rather small pots, the yield was 65 gram per plant. it's nice to smoke for the throat, the taste and smell are delicious and the effect, after have smoked it for 10 months now, works 2 ways: 1) it's a real nice feel when you've got to do some work and 2} at the same time it leaves me very stoned each night and i only smoke a half a gram a day. easy to grow i can recommend for beginners and advanced growers will get a yield of more than 100 gram a plant if they give them more space and a bigger pot. high grtz frenky

    F. G.
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