Increasing Cannabis Yields With Mycorrhizae
Mycorrhizae are soil superheroes that can make your plants stronger and healthier. Read on to find out more about mycorrhizal fungi and how they can boost your cannabis crops.
Whether you’re an expert cannabis grower or a novice at weed cultivation, you should take a closer look at mycorrhizal fungi as an effective tool for boosting your grow and maximising your yield. It doesn’t matter if you’re taking care of a few plants or a large grow-op: mycorrhiza supplements and mycorrhizal fungi mixes are the perfect match for your cannabis plants, helping their root system thrive.
Healthy roots mean strong and happy plants; happy plants mean big yields and cheerful stoners!
Let’s examine behind the scenes of this successful symbiosis, and see how mycorrhizal fungi can help your cannabis plants reach the next level.
Mycorrhiza (plural mycorrhizae) is a fungus that forms a symbiotic relationship with the roots of a plant. In this relationship, the plant supplies the fungus with sugary exudates produced via photosynthesis, such as carbohydrates. The fungus, in turn, makes water and essential mineral nutrients in the soil available to the roots, such as phosphorus and nitrogen. It even increases their absorption, breaking nutrients down into more digestible “bites” for the plant. Last but not least, the presence of mycorrhizae can defend the plant against root-rot pathogens (e.g. moulds). Thickening the cell walls, they hinder pathogen penetration into the root tissue, and even compete against them to absorb the roots’ exudates.
You can think of mycorrhizae as a secondary root system, branching out into the surrounding soil and extending the root system’s surface area and reach. In this way, roots come into more contact with soil, water, and nutrients, maximising their exploitation of the resources available in the soil.
There are hundreds of different species of mycorrhizal fungi that can readily pair with more than 90% of all plants on Earth. However, the relationship they form depends on various factors. Mycorrhizal fungi are host-specific, meaning that a certain fungus will only colonise certain plants. On the other end of this relationship, some plants not only benefit from symbiosis with the fungi, but are dependent on mycorrhiza formation even to germinate (e.g. orchids).
Whether you are growing indoors in a grow room or outdoors in a field, and regardless of whether you are taking care of one plant or many, mycorrhizae will deliver some essential benefits to most crops.
First of all, a healthy population of mycorrhizae in your cannabis grow can strengthen plant resistance and help them successfully endure stressful conditions.
Furthermore, mycorrhizae will help your cannabis plants break down and absorb the nutrients they need as quickly and easily as possible. Not only that; this partnership will also allow your plants to capture as much moisture as they need from the soil, even when the weather is particularly hot and dry.
Last but surely not least, mycorrhizal fungi will push plants either to produce more bud per plant, or bigger and more resinous buds! Simply put, they will help cannabis growers maximise the quantity and quality of their yields.
Other potential benefits of enriching your soil with mycorrhizae include a progressive reduction in the use of fertilisers, a reduction of wilting due to drought, and increased resistance to high-salt toxicity!
Mycorrhizae are normally present in most soils to some degree; but to be beneficial, the fungi’s spores must come into direct contact with the plant’s roots. At the same time, fungal spores do not travel easily through the soil structure since they are fairly large. Also, mycorrhizal fungi—which we already said to be host-specific—are often present in too small a quantity to ensure successful colonisation of the roots. This is particularly true for worn-out and overworked soils, but also newly planted gardens and plots. This is where it becomes up to you, the grower, to boost mycorrhiza concentration.
Here’s how to favour the development of mycorrhizae in your soil:
Create a favourable environment for the fungi by adding a sugary external food source to the soil—such as maple syrup or fruit juice—at the same time keeping your plants well oxygenated to prevent undesired fungal growth.
Locate nutrient-rich and moist soil, such as that found in woodlands, and combine it with the compost you will feed your plants with.
Access the correct mycorrhizal fungi directly, and in sufficient quantities, by purchasing a ready-made organic Mycorrhiza Mix. This mix will boost your green babies’ vitality and yield! The advantage of this method over previous ones is that you will maximise the chances of the right mycorrhizae developing.
In essence, adding mycorrhizal fungi to your soil is never a mistake. It is a natural, simple, and cheap way to equip your cannabis plants with some extra help. In turn, they will reward you with a majestic harvest!
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