Aztec Tobacco AKA Mapacho (Nicotiana rustica) 20 seeds


Aztec Tobacco (nicotina rustica), also known as Mapacho, is a wild tobacco plant from the southern part of Mexico and the Yucatan peninsula. What makes this tobacco variety different from others is its strength. This tobacco can have up to twenty times more nicotine than regular tobacco. With our fresh Mapacho seeds you can now grow your own Mapacho tobacco plants at home!

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Aztec Tobacco (Nicotiana rustica, Mapacho): Aromatic and Strong Wild Tobacco

The Aztec Tobacco (Mapacho) is a wild tobacco that grows in parts of South America, including parts of southern Mexico and the Yucatan. This aromatic and super-strong tobacco can be used to make cigars and cigarettes that have a very high nicotine content. As compared to regular tobacco, Mapacho has up to 20x more nicotine.

Mapacho is a great aromatic tobacco plant to grow. After harvesting the leaves you would cure the Aztec tobacco by hanging the leaves to dry in the sun or have them in a closed space with indirect heat for several weeks.

You can also grind the dried tobacco leaves to make a snuff. In some parts of South America, the Aztec Tobacco leaves are soaked in water that is then snorted. This way to use Mapacho is called singado.

While Mapacho likes a hot and subtropical climate best to grow you can also grow it in a colder climate without problems. The plant grows easily and quickly and can reach a height of up to 2 meters with pretty yellow flowers. It is recommended that you provide your seeds with sandy, nutritious soil and a deep pot so that the plant can grow long roots for optimal growth. You can also sow the seeds directly in soil outside if the climate is warm enough. Just keep the soil moist and make sure that your Aztec Tobacco gets plenty of sunlight.

Our fresh Aztec Tobacco (nicotiana rustica) seeds ensure fast germination and optimal growth.

Contents: Aztec Tobacco AKA Mapacho (Nicotiana rustica) 20 Seeds

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Reviews (13)
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    Wächst bei mir outdoor und macht 30cm Blätter. .aber geraucht hab ich nicht! Hab 10 große Pflanzen aus einem samen paket bekomm

    D. S.

    Cool quand même
    Un peu léger la quantité de graines, mais bon merci Zamnesia d’avoir une assez grande diversité de choix, de toutes sortes

    J. D.

    a vu pacho
    ce kenne biou tuutut cannadou !

    X. G.

    Molto bene
    Ho piantato cinque semi di Nicotiana rustica. Ne sono germogliati tre. Le piantine le tengo in una growroom insieme con quelle di cannabis, in due mesi hanno mostrato una crescita rapidissima, ora sono alte circa 1.50m. Hanno iniziato a fiorire una settimana fa; sono molto contento. Grazie Zamnesia.

    A. G.

    happy to have found those

    D. B.

    Non è nato NIENTE
    Mi è spiaciuto molto che non sia nato nulla, ero molto curioso

    M. C.

    Bon produit
    Il suffit d'un seul pied pour récolter des centaines de graines, il suffit de laisser pousser les fleurs. Ca compense un peu la faible quantitée de graine dans les sachets. (Je précise qu'il ne faut pas enterrer les graines ! juste les déposés à la surface du terreau à semis.)

    J. D.

    Peu de graines
    J'avoue que je ne m'attendais pas à si peu de graines, maintenant plus qu'à attendre et voir si sa pousse

    V. S.

    Approximativement / Approximately
    Sur chaque paquet, peu de graines ont germées (pourtant, j'ai assez confiance dans ma méthode de germination) et au total, 1/3 des pieds n'étaient pas de la variété Nicotiana Rustica mais une autre (Nicotiana Tabacum L). Bref, je suis un peu déçu par ce produit. On each package, few seeds germinated (yet I'm confident in my method of germination) and in total, 1/3 of the plants were not Nicotiana Rustica's variety but another (Nicotiana Tabacum L). In short, I am a little disappointed by this product.

    J. B.

    ELF's rulez!!!
    Greetz from CZE!!! Excellent work, awesome shop!!!

    A. K.
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Aztec Tobacco AKA Mapacho (Nicotiana rustica) 20 seeds
Aztec Tobacco AKA Mapacho (Nicotiana rustica) 20 seeds