Supa Gro Kit 100% 'Golden Teacher'


Il Psilocybe Cubensis Golden Teacher è una varietà di fungo magico che vi insegnerà un mondo migliore. Questo ceppo iniziò a diffondersi alla fine degli anni '80, ma la sua precisa origine non si conosce. Il nome Golden Teacher deriva dal colore dorato del cappello e dalle capacità sciamaniche capaci di mostrarvi un mondo migliore.

42,39 € tasse incl.
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Volume: 1200 ml 42,39 €
  • Volume: 1200 ml 42,39 €
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Supa Gro Kit 100% 'Golden Teacher': Insegnare per un mondo migliore

Il Psilocybe cubensis Golden Teacher è una varietà di fungo magico che iniziò a diffondersi alla fine degli anni '80, ma chi lo scoprì e da dove provenga sono un'incognita. Il suo nome deriva dai suoi cappelli dorati e dall'eccellente capacità sciamanica di insegnarci un mondo migliore. Questo kit Supa-Gro contiene un mattoncino da 1200ml di substrato al 100% di spore inoculate, pronte per essere coltivate (l'unica cosa che si deve apportare è un po' di pazienza). Non fatevi ingannare dal primo getto: questo ceppo tende a produrre poco la prima volta, ma la seconda è già più abbondante della prima.

I kit per la coltivazione di funghi allucinogeni Supa Gro sono preparati da micologi esperti e contengono micelio estremamente vitale.

Manuale di Supa Gro

Contenuto confezione

  • 1200ml di substrato di coltivazione
  • Contenitore di coltivazione

Calcolatore di dosi per funghi magiciCalcola

Supa Gro Kit 100% 'Golden Teacher' - Scheda Tecnica
Volume 1200ML
Marche Supa Gro
Varietà Golden Teacher

Ulteriori informazioni relative a questo prodotto:

Recensioni (682)
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    Very Happy and looking forward to next time.
    Even though I made a mistake at the beginning, easy done! Thinking I had messed it right up, I quickly did some research and worked out my mistake and found great ways of making these kits work best for you.They still came through with 3 great flushes each. we had a 7th that was 3.5g dry could of had a lot more, but because of my mistake I miss out. Thanks to Zamnesia for the providing a great service, keep up the good work. Will definitely be coming back for more. I now think I have the hang of it. but at first I suffered(still good) but not what’s possible, but depending on your environment you can just put them down and be lucky, and some times the smallest thing can cause a problem. Like I was dropping the temperature to quickly when fanning the air.still Golden Teacher top mushroom on all levels, thanks again Zamnesia.

    C. M.

    still waiting
    mmmhmmm They are still sleping, maybe something is going wrong? BUT I am a very patient woman and keep my fingers crossed

    M. G.

    Gr8 product
    Absolutely genius, hassle free, quick growing.

    L. G.

    Wasted money!!!
    I did everything according to the instructions for two weeks and nothing grew. DONT BUY THIS KIT!!!

    R. V.

    Mega erste Ernte - Amazing first harvest
    Dies ist nicht mein erstes Grow Kit, aber mit Abstand das am einfachsten und ertragreichste von allen 🤩 This is not my first grow kit, but most easiest to set up with a huge harvest 🤩

    B. S.

    Pousse pas
    Bon…. Ça ne pousse pas ! J’ai suivi les instruction et aussi j’ai essayé un autre kit (Amazonian) qui poussent tres bien et en suivant pareil les instruction de chaque ! donc je pense qu’il y a un problème avec ce kit de culture. Déception

    A. B.

    Didnt grow but my fault. Five stars.
    I failed them this time with two sets. It was my bad bcz i thought they could deal with march weather in germany. But no, they needed higher temperatures. It was my bad and i had these kits before and they worked perfectly giving me 50+ grams.

    S. B.

    2 kits 2 fails
    First one got like a million of little mushroms that stopped growing. Now with the second kit, 28 days and nothing has come out.

    A. M.

    Bad product
    Never pinned, it's the 3rd time, and I follow the instructions to the letter

    . K.

    First box didn't grow anything. Second box did really great Thanks Zamnesia!

    R. K.
    Non puoi lasciare una recensione perché non hai acquistato questo prodotto
Domande (3)
Peter 2015-11-09 22:33:28

How much light they need to grow?


These kits do best in daylight, 18°C -28°C. Don’t place them in direct sunlight though! Indirect sunlight is the ideal lighting to grow mushrooms.

kb 2014-04-23 00:54:05

Is it ok to use bottled water? As in, would this be any better to grow mushroomz or just the same as tapwater?


Either works just fine. We recommend to just use tap water to keep the costs down. If you insist on using bottled water, just make sure that you are using still water (without bubbles).

mink 2013-05-23 23:30:05

Do i need to add water at the beginning, when i put the opened box in the bag? how often do i need to add water? the manual is unclear on this and i read varying instructions in the other question sections of other 100%mycelium kits.


No need to add water in the beginning. When the first caps start showing, simply spray some water onto the insides of the bags once or twice a day. You can do this when you are airing the kit for example. Make sure you don't spray directly onto the shrooms though.

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Supa Gro Kit 100% 'Golden Teacher'
Supa Gro Kit 100% 'Golden Teacher'
Supa Gro Kit 100% 'Golden Teacher'
Supa Gro Kit 100% 'Golden Teacher'
Supa Gro Kit 100% 'Golden Teacher'
Supa Gro Kit 100% 'Golden Teacher'
Supa Gro Kit 100% 'Golden Teacher'
Supa Gro Kit 100% 'Golden Teacher'
Supa Gro Kit 100% 'Golden Teacher'
Supa Gro Kit 100% 'Golden Teacher'
Supa Gro Kit 100% 'Golden Teacher'
Supa Gro Kit 100% 'Golden Teacher'
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