Kit di coltivazione Zamnesia 'PES Amazonian'


Ritenuto originario della giungla amazzonica, PES Amazonian offre un'esperienza psichedelica degna di sciamani e ricercatori dell’anima. Venerato per la sua crescita alta e per sviluppare un cappello esotico con un “capezzolo” pronunciato, questo cubensis offre una velocità di colonizzazione rapidissima.

51,99 € tasse incl.
Acquista 3 unità 5% di Sconto
Acquista 5 unità 10% di Sconto

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Zamnesia - PES Amazonian: Canaliza El Poder Espiritual De Los Chamanes Amazónicos

Se vuoi sfruttare le abilità sciamaniche degli amazzoni, allora questo Psilocybe cubensis dall'aspetto esotico è la scelta ideale. Con la tendenza di incitare sentimenti di gioia ed il desiderio di alzarsi e ballare, l’effetto vibrante corporeo ti porterà in un viaggio spirituale senza precedenti. Conosciuto per i suoi cappelli grandi e sostanziosi a forma di capezzolo, PES Amazonian cresce sia alto che veloce.

Questi kit di coltivazione consistono in uno strato di perlite (per trattenere l'acqua), una torta di segale colonizzata e vermiculite (strato di rivestimento). I kit sono pronti per crescere quando arrivano a casa tua—tutto ciò di cui hai bisogno per far sviluppare i funghi è un po' di pazienza ed una leggera spruzzata d’acqua giornaliera. Anche se le rese potrebbero essere basse, almeno per le prime buttate, raccoglierai una collezione tentacolare di PES Amazonian che sembra intenzionata a raggiungere il cielo. Dopo alcune settimane e diverse buttate, raccoglierai 400–600 grammi di funghi freschi dalla fruttificazione veloce. Ogni kit fornisce almeno due raccolti (al massimo cinque).

Manuale di Zamnesia Kit

Contenuto della confezione

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Calcolatore di dosi per funghi magiciCalcola

Kit di coltivazione Zamnesia 'PES Amazonian' - Scheda Tecnica
Volume 1200ML
Marche Zamnesia
Varietà PES Amazonian

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Recensioni (250)
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    Wish I had of read the reviews before i decided to lemon tek 5 grames dried .so so strong I was good enjoy the trip but my girlfriend took 3 g aswell was too much for her .alot stronger than albino penis envy which for some reason I was lead to be the strongest. Just be careful with them I'd say 2 g dry is enough to take anyone to another realm. Great service and advice always from the zamnesia team .thanks

    M. G.

    Last time i buy from zamnesia me and all my friends from Lucca Tuscany i grow Mush since 1999.... they want to pass me like dumb. friemds lately had bad growing problems ....

    G. P.

    Bon produit
    Très bon produit, un peu déçu par la faible quantité récoltée mais j'en suis à la première pousse, j'espère que la seconde sera meilleure.

    A. M.

    Testen them yesterday, quasi first time frech and not dryed, unexpected powerful, longlasting and beautyful

    F. Q.

    Efficient service from Zamnesia and a high quality product . The first pins appeared on the 8 day and the first flush was harvested 9 days later. Magical experience .

    N. G.

    very good assistance
    got a problem with a product. The team asked me about it and then refund it without further question. Now that is good support.

    D. M.

    Leider nicht ordentlich gewachsen
    Ich habe bis jetzt insgesamt 5 Pilz-Growboxen bestellt und muss sagen dass 4 einwandfrei funktioniert haben, diese eine jedoch leider nicht. Ich muss anmerken dass es die erste war die direkt von Marke "Zamnesia" war. Die 4 anderen Growboxen waren von anderen Marken mit anderen Anleitungen. Anfangs schien noch alles ok zu sein, die Primordien haben sich gut zu kleinen Pilzen entwickelt jedoch kam dann ein Stillstand und die Pilze sind einfach nicht fertig ausgereift. Ich konnte keine Kontamination feststellen, außer einen "modrigen" Geruch. Ich war bei der Anleitung von Anfang an skeptisch, da lt dieser 150ml Wasser direkt in den Sack gefüllt werden sollten nachdem die Box ohnehin schon 9-12 Stunden eingewässert wurde. In den anderen Anleitungen ist so ein vorgehen nicht notwendig. Ich habe mich dennoch an die Anleitung gehalten und die Anweisung befolgt. Ich denke dass es dazu geführt hat dass die Pilze zu viel Feuchtigkeit bekommen haben und deswegen nicht weiter gewachsen sind, was ich sehr schade finde. Da mir das NUR bei dieser Zamnesia-Box passiert ist und ich sonst alles weitere genau wie bei den anderen Boxen gemacht habe, führe ich das auf die Anleitung und nicht auf mein Unvermögen zurück. Aufgrund dieser Erfahrung werde ich wohl keine weitere Box der Marke Zamnesia bestellen, sondern mich auf die anderen Marken beschränken.

    R. B.

    I had never grown mushrooms before so this was a completely new experience for me. It was incredibly easy to grow. First pins started showing after a week and in the second and third flush the pins grew in less than a day. I'm gonna try to get a fo

    S. H.

    Super good box
    The 5th flush is growing right now! Really amazing!

    C. R.

    Amazing kit
    I bought two kits this time. One of them was Amazonian (my favorite and most reliable kit so far). The first 3 flashes I was getting around 120 - 130 g fresh. That was very interesting since normally You get a little less each time you make a new flush. At my 4th flush I indeed got half of what I was getting so far, but at this point I had around 440g fresh (almost half a kilo from 4 flushes...that is a personal best so far). I could go for a 5th flush but unfortunately I am moving soon. Easy my favorite and most reliable kit so far. Don't expect to have similar results with every kit. Sometimes It's like this and sometimes It will be half. But the quality was always excellent.

    P. A.
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Kit di coltivazione Zamnesia 'PES Amazonian'
Kit di coltivazione Zamnesia 'PES Amazonian'
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