The 5 Best Ways To Consume Magic Truffles And Mushrooms

Best Ways To Consume Magic Truffles And Mushrooms

Steven Voser
Steven Voser
Last updated:

Consuming shrooms doesn't have to be a nauseating experience. Enjoy that psychedelic trip, courtesy of our five best methods for consumption.

Most people use magic mushrooms for one of two reasons: either for fun, or as a spiritual ritual. At lower doses, psilocybin can certainly be simply enjoyable, making the experience a pleasant, mind altering trip. Then there are those, who treat it as a key to the doors of perception – in this case, higher doses usually apply. With proper experience, knowledge and guidance, magic mushrooms can lead you to valuable insights into the surrounding world, reality in which you exist and the one beyond.

Whatever the reason for taking magic mushrooms, there are several things you will have to keep in mind. If you are new to mushrooms, first of all don't take too much at once. To find out about correct dosing, check out our Magic Mushroom Dosage Calculator via the image below.

Magic mushroom dosage calculatorCalculate

Once you take them, you have to be prepared for several hours of alternated consciousness – don't take them shortly before work, driving, meetings etc. It is a good idea to stay indoors, preferably at home or some other safe and comfortable place, especially if you are taking mushrooms for the first time.

Going outside can lead you to more colourful visions and insights, but since you will be even less in control of the situation, it is rather advised for the more experienced users. Never even get close to mushrooms if you are not feeling well.

The different ways to consume magic truffles and mushrooms

Consuming shrooms doesn't have to be a nauseating experience. Enjoy that psychedelic trip, courtesy of our five best methods for consumption.



The usual way of ingesting magic mushrooms is simply by eating them. In this case it is important to chew them thoroughly, to allow all the juices to come out. The psychoactive compound released from the mushroom by your saliva will start mixing with your blood, reaching every cell in your body. It will take more or less 45 minutes for them to start working, depending on the stomach content – the less you eat before, the better. It is advised to avoid food for a few hours.

To skip the not-so-pleasant chewing part, you could opt for a truffle grinder. This way you can mash the magic truffles as much as possible and swallow the paste, so you do not have to experience the flavour anymore than necessary.


How To Make Magic Truffle/Mushroom Tea

Not really a great fan of the bitter taste of mushrooms? Think about making a magic brew. Taking your mushrooms in a form of a tea will cause the specific taste to disappear. Just boil some water, crush the desired amount of shrooms into small pieces and throw them in. Slowly heat the pan, keeping it close to simmering, but do not bring it to boil – otherwise you might destroy the active compound, and be left with an ugly brew with little psychoactive value. Let it rest for some 10 to 15 minutes and “enjoy”.



Capsules offer users the option to microdose their magic mushrooms or truffles. If surfing the higher planes of existence for hours on end doesn't appeal, but you would like an opportunity to experience ultimate clarity without losing an entire day, capsules may be your best friend. Using little more than empty capsules, a capsule machine, and a grinder, you can make your very own magic mushroom capsules!

Capsules can be discreetly taken throughout the day, topping up as required. Shrooms are not known for being tasty. Luckily, this method removes that mouldy taste and makes dosing easier than ever. Only ever take capsules you have made yourself—that way you can guarantee their integrity. Stealthy in nature, it is a lot easier and less suspicious to carry around some capsules than it is bags of whole or ground mushrooms. Capsules can even be vegetarian-friendly, catering to many users' requirements.

In terms of microdosing, the experience can be more or less tailored via consistent doses. Many users report using mushrooms in this way to aid them in creative pursuits or those that involve problem solving. By boosting positivity, increasing energy levels, and helping to provide focus, the key to microdosing is to keep the amount of mushroom per capsule below 0.5g. This way, the effect should not overpower the user. You will know your tolerance level better than anyone, so it is worth experimenting a bit to find out what works for you. Remember, start low and go slow.



Add magic mushrooms to food, and you will unlock a whole new world of experiences - not just from the psychedelic trip, but also by practising your culinary skills. Fundamentally, incorporating mushrooms into food will assist with both the taste and the feeling of queasiness that most users suffer. Given that magic mushrooms can be added to virtually any food, user preference will take priority. If, however, you are stuck for ideas, the following suggestions can be a great way to enjoy edibles.

The trick with your chosen recipe is to avoid adding the mushrooms during any cooking stage. Psilocybin, the critical component in mushrooms that makes you trip, starts to break down under excessive heat. Baking mushrooms on top of a pizza, for example, would result in an inferior tripping experience. Instead, try adding them to sauces or toppings after the cooking stage.

A prime example would be adding shrooms to freshly made pesto or honey, both of which can be enjoyed cold. A popular favourite are magic chocolate truffles. The more mushrooms used, the stronger and longer the trip; so again, experiment with dosage until you find what's right for you.

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Lemon tek is the party child of magic mushroom dosing. Not only is it quick and easy to take, but users claim the acidic nature of the lemon breaks down the psilocybin, intensifying the subsequent trip. While the topic of an intensified trip is a fiercely debated one, many agree that using this method does bring about the trip faster.

With that in mind, we would always recommend starting with half the amount of shrooms you would normally. Consumption is simple. Ground magic mushrooms meet lemon juice in a short glass of your choice. Leave it to sit, add water, and down in one go. Like we said, the party child of shroom consumption.

Lime juice can also be used to similar effect. The great benefit of using either type of juice is the removal of that nauseating mushroom taste. As long as you like lemon or lime juice, Lemon tek is a fast and effective consumption method.

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How To Make Lemon Tek For A Faster Mushroom/Truffle Trip

When NOT to consume magic mushrooms or truffles

Natural psychedelics have long played a role in human history, but it's also important to know when it isn't right to experiment with them. Below we'll explore three scenarios in which you likely shouldn't use mushrooms or truffles.

1. When the mushrooms or truffles have gone bad

When the mushrooms or truffles have gone bad

Just like regular mushrooms, psilocybin mushrooms and truffles have an expiration date. Before tripping, always inspect your mushrooms/truffles both visually and by smelling them. If they smell off or show any visual signs of decomposition or contamination (mould, black or white spots, slime), don't consume them.

The main concern with consuming spoiled magic mushrooms or truffles is their ability to cause vomiting, diarrhoea, or food poisoning. There is no evidence to suggest that spoiled mushrooms have any adverse psychological effects. In fact, mushrooms tend to lose potency over time, especially if they haven't been stored properly.

Note: If you're growing your own mushrooms and notice contamination in your substrate, don't worry. In most cases, you should still be able to harvest and consume your mushrooms.

2. If you're taking prescription medication

If you're taking prescription medication

Another situation in which you shouldn't take psychedelic mushrooms/truffles is if you're taking prescription medication, in particular mental health medications such as anxiolytics, mood stabilisers, and antidepressants. That's because psilocybin may interfere with serotonin pathways in the brain and compound the effects of these drugs (most of which also work on serotonin).

If you're not taking mental health medication but are taking other prescription drugs, here too we recommend you don't take magic mushrooms or truffles until you have completed your treatment and been weaned off the meds you are on. There is little information on how psilocybin interacts with prescription drugs, so we always recommend playing it safe until further research into the topic is completed.

3. If you do not feel mentally prepared or stable enough

If you do not feel mentally prepared or stable enough

Timothy Leary, Terence McKenna, Alan Watts, and many other psychedelics researchers have talked extensively about the importance of set and setting when taking mushrooms, truffles, and other psychedelics. “Set” refers to your internal, emotional environment, while “setting” (you guessed it) refers to the physical setting/environment you're in when you're tripping.

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If you're experiencing anxiety, depression, or other forms of emotional distress, we highly recommend you stay away from recreational tripping on mushrooms or truffles. While some clinical research has investigated the effects on psilocybin in mental health conditions (Psychedelic Treatment with Psilocybin Relieves Major Depression, Study Shows, 2020), these trials were conducted in very controlled environments.

Ensuring a positive psilocybin trip

Psilocybin is a powerful compound capable of delivering very enlightening spiritual experiences. In this article, we've shared some of our favourite ways to consume psilocybin mushrooms/truffles, and outlined some important scenarios where tripping is not advised. With this knowledge, you can ensure any experience you have with psilocybin is a powerful and rewarding one.

Steven Voser
Steven Voser
Steven Voser is an independent cannabis journalist with over 6 years of experience writing about all things weed; how to grow it, how best to enjoy it, and the booming industry and murky legal landscape surrounding it.
  • Johns Hopkins Medicine. (2020, November 4). Psychedelic treatment with psilocybin relieves major depression, study shows. -
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